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CROFTi Online Backup and Disaster Recovery

Written by blacklabel | Jan 8, 2019 3:45:39 AM

How would you feel if all of your important files and documents were suddenly wiped from your computer? How about if they went missing from your cloud services? What if something happened to your Microsoft Exchange emails and they went missing too? Can you even imagine losing all of your work and not having the means to recover them?

Put an end to that fear and let us help you back your files up.

We have the perfect solution for only $10 per user / month, you can rest assured that all the important online files, data and emails will be secure and protected from any unfortunate, gut-wrenching service failures or staff mishaps.


Here's what we can do for you:

  • Backup to external cloud based backup solution
    • All Microsoft Exchange Online user email mailboxes
    • SharePoint data and permissions
  • Restore email mailboxes and data
  • Restore SharePoint sites and data
  • Unlimited Backup Storage

Save yourself the trouble, and start backing up your files now.